Lara Hammoud is a globally sought-after arbitrator, recognised for her extensive expertise in international arbitration. She is a qualified French lawyer and has over twenty years’ experience in international arbitration. Prior to becoming a full-time arbitrator in July 2024, Lara spent a decade as in-house counsel heading the Disputes team at Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC). Prior to ADNOC, Lara started her career in Paris at the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) before moving to private practice with a Magic Circle law firm in Paris and Abu Dhabi.
Lara has acted as tribunal chair, sole and party-appointed arbitrator in both common and civil law jurisdictions under UNCITRAL, DIAC, DIFC-LCIA, SIAC, BCDR, ADCCAC, ArbitrateAD and ICC arbitration rules seated in Europe, Asia and the Middle-East.
Lara is the co-founder of the highly successful Civil Law Conference in Abu Dhabi. She is the writer and editor of numerous articles and books relating to international arbitration and regularly appears as a speaker at international conferences and arbitration workshops.
Lara is regularly recognized in the directories including most recently Who’s Who Legal, Arbitration 2025 and Chambers & Partners, Most In Demand Arbitrators, UAE 2024.
Lara speaks fluent Arabic, English and French and is proficient in Italian. She is a member of the ArbitrateAD Court of Arbitration and the ICC Commission on Arbitration & ADR.

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