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Wednesday 9 April 2025
14:30 to 16:00
Please register before:
Tuesday 8 April
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Wednesday 9 April 2025
14:30 to 16:00
Please register before:
Tuesday 8 April
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HYBRID BY REQUEST HYBRID BY REQUEST #Commercial arbitration #Investment arbitration #World


Nearly forty-five years after its founding, the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal has been a source of considerable achievements – substantive, procedural and beyond – for international law and international arbitration. The panel will feature a moderated conversation among the Honorable Charles N. Brower, Professor Hans van Houtte and Mr. David Sellers who, through their various roles as judge, President and counsel, have contributed first-hand to those achievements and thus to international arbitration as it is today. It will be moderated by Jean-Christophe Honlet and Bart Legum and followed by a reception.

Host Speakers

Jean-Christophe HONLET
Honlet Legum Arbitration
Barton LEGUM
Honlet Legum Arbitration


16:00 - 18:00

How to attend

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Hotel des Arts et Métiers
9bis Avenue d'Iéna
75116 Paris
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