The key industry event hosted in the home of international arbitration connecting a diverse and dynamic professional community.

The Paris Arbitration Week is an institution organizing a yearly week of events aimed at connecting, whether in person or virtually, the worldwide community of arbitration practitioners, boosting rich academic debate and promoting Paris as the eternal home of international arbitration.

The Paris Arbitration Week is located (one could say ‘seated’) in Paris, the historical anchorage of international arbitration, headquarters of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and of Universities, where international arbitration has been taught for over 60 years, in the context of France’s pro-arbitration and avant-gardist stance towards arbitration. The Paris Arbitration Week is, however, a truly international and dynamic event, involving practitioners from all over the world, who attend this very special week to build an international network of colleagues, experts, professors and students, to listen to eminent speakers, or to recruit the brilliant young minds that will shape the future of international arbitration or to simply reunite with friends. With over 25,000 registrations and 187 events, the 2024 edition brought together an excess of 10,000 arbitration practitioners who attended passionate doctrinal debates, enlightened practical workshops and exchanged ideas during relaxing social and networking events.

The Paris Arbitration Week is the result of its members’ and the community’s passion and commitment. The Paris Arbitration Week’s ambition is to remain the leading arbitration hub of the future, showcasing diversity, sustainability, social responsability and innovation as its core values – for this reason, its partners are required to commit to these same principles and respect them in the organisation of their events.

PAW is a non-profit, apolitical association that connects arbitration and ADR practitioners worldwide by organizing a series of events and exchanges taking place annually during Paris Arbitration Week.  We are proud to promote international arbitration and ADR as peaceful means of dispute resolution that ensure access to justice and uphold the rule of law.

Join us, in Paris or online.

The Paris Arbitration Week

Digital Library

PAW Digital Library makes available freely to PAW Visitors all contents (videos, articles, powerpoint presentations) of previous PAW editions published by our Partners in relation to their Events.

#PAW is the “most attended event” for arbitration practitioners from around the world.


Arbitration practitioners over 5 days


Arbitration practitioners at the PAW Opening Cocktail


Partners of #PAW2024


Events throughout the week


Arbitration practitioners at the “Young Arbitration Cruise”



Founding Institutions

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and discover their events.

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A&O ShearmanAA-40AAJ – Association des Avocats JaponophilesAbu Dhabi International Arbitration CentreAccuracyACE – Avocats, ensembleAceris Law LLCADVANT ALTANA/BEITEN/NCTMAFAAfrica Arbitration AcademyAfrican Academy of International Law practiceAfricArbAIA-Associazione Italiana ArbitratoAlvarez & Marsal Disputes and Investigations LLPAnalysis GroupArbItArbitralWomenArchipelArias FranceAssociation Franco-Chinoise pour le Droit ÉconomiqueAssociation Franco-Marocaine des Avocats d’Affaires – AFMAAAudit Duprey FeklAugust DebouzyAzerbaijan Arbitration AssociationBaker McKenzieBird & Bird AARPIBrazilian Arbitration Committee (Comitê Brasileiro de Arbitragem – CBAr)Bredin PratBRGBSPBurford CapitalCalifornia Arbitration, Inc. (“CalArb”)Câmara Portuguesa de Comércio no BrasilCERSA (Centre d’Études et de Recherches de Sciences Administratives et Politiques – UMR 7106 – CNRS/Université Panthéon-Assas)CFA40Charles River AssociatesCiarb Brazil BranchCleary Gottlieb Steen & HamiltonClifford Chance Europe LLPClub Español e Iberoamericano del Arbitraje (CEIA)Club PelotonCMAPCMSComité Français de l’ArbitrageCompass LexeconControl RisksCour de cassationDAC BeachcroftDelos Dispute ResolutionDerains & GharaviDIALESDLA Piper France LLPEFILAEight Advisory FranceEqual Representation for Expert Witnesses (ERE) PledgeESSEC Business SchoolEssex Court ChambersEuropean Branch of the Chartered Institute of ArbitratorsEversheds SutherlandFieldfisherFinexsiFladgate LLPForensic Risk AllianceFoundation International Council of Arbitration for Sport – Court of Arbitration for SportFreshfields LLPFrontier EconomicsFTI ConsultingGaillard Banifatemi Shelbaya DisputesGeorgetown University Club of FranceGerman Arbitration Institute (DIS), Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit e. V.Gibson DunnGideGlobal Arbitration ReviewHabib Al Mulla & PartnersHerbert Smith FreehillsHKA Global LtdHonlet Legum ArbitrationICC International Court of ArbitrationICC Young Arbitration and ADR Forum (ICC YAAF)INSOL InternationalIVO Capital PartnersJones DayJS HeldJus MundiK&L GatesKomon AvocatsKrollLaborde LawLaw Rocks Inc.Legal 230LiedekerkeLinklatersLoyens & LoeffLuxembourg Arbitration AssociationMASINMayer BrownMCIAMUJERES CEIANavacelleNepal International ADR CenterNERA Economic ConsultingNew York International Arbitration Center (NYIAC)Nyenrode UniversityObeid & PartnersOmni BridgewayOpen ArbitrationOpus 2OrrickPanterraParis Arbitration CentreParis Court of Appeal / Cour d’appel de ParisParis Place d’ArbitragePinsent MasonsPVYAPQueen Mary University of LondonRAID SquareRajah & TannReed SmithRising Arbitrators InitiativeSaudi Center for Commercial Arbitration (SCCA)Schroeder ArbitrationSCL FranceSecretariatShardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co.Signature LitigationSimmons & SimmonsSkadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLPSOAS, University of LondonSociété de Législation ComparéeSorbonne ArbitrageSpace Arbitration AssociationStephens Chu Dispute ResolutionSwiss Arbitration AssociationTaveras Partners InternationalTeynier PicThe Hague Court of Arbitration for AviationThe London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA)Three Crowns LLPTrialview LimitedTribunal Judiciaire de ParisTrinity InternationalTurkic Arbitration AssociationVIAC – Vienna International Arbitral CentreWatson Farley & WilliamsWhite & Case LLPWinston & Strawn LLPWordstone Dispute Resolution AARPIYKVN LLPYoung ISTAC
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