For its 8th edition, PAW is innovating and introducing the Digital Library.

Our ambition: to give maximum visibility to your Event and your Organisation over time and to create a unique database on arbitration.

Thanks to the Digital Library, you can now offer the entire community of PAW Visitors :

  • Video recordings of your PAW 2023 events, hosted on a Youtube channel.
  • PDF publications linked to your 2023 events.
  • Photos of your 2023 events.

Log in to your Partner account now to embed your media on the presentation pages of your Events!

Step 1

In the Events section of your partner area, select the Event in which you want to add media and click on SEE DETAILS.

Step 2

On the event page, click on the ADD TO REPLAY/PHOTOS/PUBLICATION button in the REPLAY section at the bottom of the page.

Step 3

In the form, add the media of your choice.

Video: insert the video Youtube link

Publication: upload a compressed PDF of the document you want to share, and insert a short description of its content.

Photos : upload jpeg files (size between 200 Ko to 1 Mo)

Click on Publish

Step 4

The media appear on the Event presentation page visible on the site to Visitors with a PAW account, and the Event is added to the Digital Library page.

You can change the media at any time, using the form.

In the Events section of your Partner space, a counter indicates the number of times your media has been viewed.

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