Antoine DUVAL
Antoine Duval is senior researcher at the T.M.C. Asser Institute in the Hague (the Netherlands), a leading inter-university research centre specialised in International and European Law. He heads the Asser International Sports Law Centre.
Before joining the Centre, Antoine obtained a PhD from the European University Institute in Florence (Italy). His thesis (“La Lex Sportiva face au droit de l’Union Européenne: guerre et paix dans l’espace juridique transnational”) dealt with the legal interaction between the Lex Sportiva (the private regulations governing international sports) and EU Law.
Antoine's research focuses on the role of private actors in transnational law, using the lex sportiva as his main case study. His scholarly work combines cutting-edge insights on the transnationalization of law and governance with extensive empirical knowledge of sport’s regulations and institutions.
Antoine is the founder and editor-in-chief of the ASSER International Sports Law Blog, founder and editor of the Yearbook of International Sports Arbitration, and a member of the editorial board of the International Sports Law Journal and International Sports Law book Series of Asser Press.

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