
Ahmed is a Solicitor-Advocate (Civil and Criminal Higher Rights of Audience) before the Higher Courts of England & Wales and a French Avocat (Avocat au Barreau de Paris). He currently sits on the Dispute Resolution Committee of the Law Society of England & Wales and is Co-Chair of the Dispute Resolution Section of the African Society of International Law. Ahmed is also a member of the International Law Committee of the New York City Bar Association. He practices the full range of public international law, both in contentious and advisory work. Ahmed is one of the few lawyers in the world who genuinely practices in the field of State-to-State disputes. He has been involved in a number of cases before the International Court of Justice, including the Obligations of States in respect of Climate Change Advisory Opinion case. He has long been acting for both States and investors in investment treaty arbitrations, including BIT cases before ICSID and the PCA. His experience in commercial arbitration proceedings includes all the major arbitral institutions, such as the ICC and the LCIA.
Ahmed’s investment treaty and commercial arbitration experience covers a broad range of sectors, including energy and natural resources. Ahmed also has an extensive practice in non-contentious and advisory work for clients around the world. He regularly advises on structuring and restructuring of investments and complex issues such as: the consequences of civil war on a State’s rights and obligations towards foreign investors; legal issues arising from the existence of competing governments; control over transcontinental submarine cables; maritime delimitation and the related exploitation of natural resources in contested areas; transboundary pipeline transit and transportation regimes; and international law issues arising from State dislocation. In 2021, Ahmed published his first book entitled “International Arbitration and Resolving Disputes Arising from Investments in Times of Crisis”. Ahmed’s book and other chapter contributions are available in the world’s most prestigious law faculties and libraries.


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