Alexander SLANA
Alexander Slana began his professional career in 2001 as a trainee lawyer in a law firm. About a year after successfully passing the bar exam in 2006, he joined the legal department of a systemically important bank in Central Europe as legal counsel and became head of the group legal department. It was in this role that he first came into contact with international arbitration proceedings.
Four years later, he returned to legal practice. He worked in one of the largest law firms in Austria, which also has branches in South East and Eastern Europe. In his legal practice, he focussed on banking and finance law as well as litigation and arbitration. After a further four years, he returned to an in-house position.
Alexander finally took over the management of the Legal/Compliance/Internal Audit division at KELAG. KELAG is an Austrian energy supply company which, in addition to electricity production and energy trading, is also responsible for the distribution of energy and district heating. In this function, he is in charge of several arbitration proceedings, including two against countries inside and outside the EU.
By switching three times between working as a lawyer and in-house positions, Alexander is familiar with arbitration proceedings from both perspectives, i.e. that of the claimant or respondent as well as that of the legal advisor.

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