Amaël has over 12 years of experience in forensic construction delay analysis assessments. His experience includes over 25 projects worldwide, from the energy, infrastructure, industrial, and residential sectors. He is the founder of Orizo Consult, an expert witness boutique firm recognized for the utmost quality and modernity of its deliverables. Amaël is the author of the 'Delay Analysis 101' and 'Cutting Edge Delay Analysis' LinkedIn newsletters, followed by hundreds of readers worldwide. He is a regular speaker at conferences and provides delay analysis training with the French Institute of Contract Management (ICM). Amaël also acts as Software Architect and CTO for the development of in-house AI products.
He holds a Master in Civil and Material Engineering from French Ecole des Mines, a Master of Science in Soil Mechanics from Imperial College London (UK), and an International Master in Construction Project Management (incl. BIM, LEAN, IPD) from Universidad de Barcelona (Spain). He recently enrolled in an MIT xPro course on Systemic Thinking for Project Management.

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