Bernard Hanotiau is a member of the Brussels and Paris Bars, since 1976 and 1989 respectively. In 2001, he established a boutique law firm in Brussels concentrating on international arbitration and litigation.
Since 1978, Bernard Hanotiau he has been involved in more than 500 international arbitration cases (commercial and investment) in all parts of the world.
Mr. Hanotiau is professor emeritus of the law school of Louvain University. He is a former vice-president of CEPANI, of the London Court of International Arbitration and a former vice-chairman of the Governing Board of DIAC (Dubai). He is an advisory member of the ICCA governing board (International Council for Commercial Arbitration) and of the Council of the ICC Institute. He is a member of the Court of Arbitration of SIAC (Singapore) and, of the Advisory Board of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) and of the Seoul International Dispute Resolution Centre. He is on the list of arbitrators of most international arbitration institutions, including ICSID.
He is the author of Complex Arbitrations: Multi-party, Multi-contract & Multi-issue (Kluwer, The Hague, 2006, second edition 2020). In March 2011, Mr. Hanotiau received the Global Arbitration Review Award for Arbitrator of the Year. In April 2016, he also received the Who’s Who Legal Award for Lawyer of the Year in Arbitration.

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