Chief Executive

Andrew Mackenzie has been Chief Executive of the Scottish Arbitration Centre since its establishment in 2011. A solicitor on secondment to the Centre from the Scottish Government, Andrew previously worked as a policy lead in Justice and as a legal adviser to that Government.

Andrew sits on the Advisory Board of the International Bar Association (IBA) Section on Public and Professional Interest Council, having formerly been a Member of the Council. He is also Co-Chair of the IBA Government and Public Lawyers Forum and sits on the Advisory Board of the IBA Access to Justice and Legal Aid Committee, having formerly been Co-Chair of that Committee. An Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, he also Co-Chairs the Campaign for Greener Arbitration for Europe, sits on the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service Arbitration Court Users Group, the Scottish Government Dispute Resolution Delivery Group, and is a public interest member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland Investigation Committee.


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Wed. 09 April 10:30 - 12:30
Arbitral Institutions and Sustainability: Observations, Obstacles, and Outlook for the Future
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Thu. 21 March 2024
The Campaign for Greener Arbitrations' Sustainability Walk Through Paris
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