Christophe SERAGLINI
Avocat à la cour and Professor of Law, Christophe Seraglini is a partner in the International Arbitration Group of Freshfield Bruckhaus Deringer in Paris.
Christophe has extensive experience as counsel and arbitrator in complex and sensitive cases relating to Engineering & Construction, Environment, Energy, High Technology sectors of industry, Sale of goods, Joint-venture, Industrial Cooperation and post-M & A.
Christophe Seraglini has also considerable experience in handling international investment disputes both in the role of counsel and arbitrator, brought under the auspices of the ICC, ICSID and in international ad hoc arbitration proceedings.
Christophe is the author of several books and articles regarding arbitration, including Droit de l’arbitrage, Domat Montchrestien, with J. Ortscheidt, 2nd ed. 2019, Cercle Montesquieu Award for 1st ed. (2013) and a chapter on “Arbitrage international”, in Traité de droit du commerce international, J. Béguin, M. Menjucq and alii., Litec, 3rd ed. 2019.
A Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne) University graduate and Appointed Professor of Law, Christophe speaks French and English.

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