Delphine Sztermer is a Partner of the Paris office of Accuracy. Delphine has a wide range of experiences in the assessment of damages in international contentious contexts. She has been involved in quantum assessment in various situations, including breach of contract, concession contracts, transaction-related disputes, investment treaty claims. As an engineer by training, Delphine has specialised in the assessment of losses in situations with an industrial background, including in sectors such as civil engineering, train manufacturing, rail transport, waste management, and infrastructure concessions. She regularly performs quantification of damages where delay experts are also involved. Delphine is also an actuary and has developed an expertise in the insurance sector (life, non life and insurance brokerage). She has been involved in many different situations such as transactions, valuation and disputes. Delphine has assisted international companies in dispute situations in Western Europe, Africa, Middle East and Latin America. She has acted as financial expert in international arbitration cases under ICC, UNCITRAL and ICSID rules, and has testified both in French and English. Delphine is a graduate from a French engineering school, Ecole Centrale Paris, holds a Master of Science in applied mathematics from Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and is a member of the French Institute of Actuaries.

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