Etienne, an associate in the Paris office of Three Crowns LLP, represents private and sovereign clients in commercial and investment treaty arbitrations under the leading institutional and ad hoc rules. His practice covers various industries and continents, with a focus on energy and construction, in North and West Africa and the Middle East. Etienne also has experience of enforcement and annulment proceedings before the French courts.

PAW Events
Current edition
Wed. 09 April
Wednesday 09 April 2025
17:30 - 19:00
Développer sa carrière en arbitrage international : modes d’emploi
Three Crowns LLP
Previous editions
Thu. 30 March
Belokon, Sorelec and co – What to do now? The new French approach to international public policy violations from the perspectives of arbitrators, counsel and institutions / Belokon, Sorelec et cie...
#Arbitration related domestic litigation
Thursday 30 March 2023
16:00 - 18:30
Belokon, Sorelec and co – What to do now? The new French approach to international public policy violations from the perspectives of arbitrators, counsel and institutions / Belokon, Sorelec et cie – Et maintenant? Le point de vue des arbitres, des conseils et des institutions sur la nouvelle approche française en matière de violation de l’ordre public international
Three Crowns LLP
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