Group VP Litigation & Dispute Resolution, Thales

Géraldine Hivert-de Grandi, Thales, Group VP Litigation and Disputes Resolution – started her career as Business lawyer in the Oil and Gas Industry in early 2001. She negotiated around the world on behalf of BOUYGUES Offshore, SAIPEM and SUBSEA7 major EPC contracts for clients like BP, Shell, AGIP, TOTAL, TEXACO CHEVRON, EXXON. She joined in 2008 Alstom Nuclear Business where she was responsible for negotiating contracts regarding large Nuclear Power Plants projects for ESKOM, EDF or GDF Suez (…), most of the time in partnership. In her function, she was also responsible for the legal and contractual issues of Flamanville 3 Nuclear plant. She successfully developed and progressively imposed the Claim Management activity for the Nuclear Business. In 2011, Géraldine joined the Legal Corporate of Alstom, reporting to the Group General Counsel where she has taken over the position of Group Disputes Resolution Director leading with her team the implementation of the strategy for the sensitive cases of the Group, a scope including all kind of arbitration or litigation, in particular anti competition cases before the European authorities and foreign jurisdictions, as well as Compliance anticorruption cases linked to international investigations. She then moved in early 2016 to set up a business oriented legal department for SECHE Environnement, a French listed company acting in the field of hazardous and nonhazardous waste treatment. She has undertaken new challenges in 2019 joining as Group Legal and Compliance Director, the Group RATP Dev, a major public transportation company operating in 15 countries. RATP Dev has seen to grow to an impressive size these last years with many innovations where Legal and Compliance functions are considered key to support the Group’s objectives for innovation and continuing growth especially in foreign countries. She recently joined Thales Group to deal with major litigation as Group VP Litigation & Disputes Resolution. She was the assistant of a French judge and taught in the French University while preparing her doctorate. She holds a Ph.D. in Private law.


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