Ismail SELIM
Dr. Ismail Selim is the Director of CRCICA, President of the International Federation of Commercial Arbitration Institutions (IFCAI), Chairman of the Egypt Branch of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) and Member at the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA).
Dr Selim started off his career as a Public Prosecutor in the Office of the Prosecutor General of Egypt, then a civil Judge, until he joined Zulficar & Partners Law Firm in 2009, as a leading member of its Arbitration Group and where he was promoted to Partner in 2013. Further, in May 2015, Dr Selim joined Nour and Selim in association with Al Tamimi and Company as Partner and Head of Dispute Resolution, Cairo. In parallel to his former judicial career, Dr Selim was seconded to the Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration from 2003 until 2007 where he acted as Legal Advisor. Further, Dr Selim became a member of CRCICA Advisory Committee as of 1 May 2016.
Dr. Selim is a Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (MCIArb). Moreover, Dr Selim teaches Private International Law at the IDAI in Cairo (Sorbonne University) since 2011 and has taught Arbitration Law and Private International Law in several Universities in Egypt. He also teaches Comparative International Arbitration Law at the Sorbonne University Middle East Laws LLM in Paris since beginning of 2018 and is a full approved tutor in CIArb Approved Faculty List (AFL) since April 2018.
He has been constantly appointed as Presiding arbitrator, Sole Arbitrator and Co-Arbitrator and has acted as a Counsel under various rules such as CRCICA, ICC, DIAC, DIFC-LCIA, ADCCAC, BCDR, UNCITRAL, CAS, Swiss Rules and CIMAC in diverse fields including telecommunications, electricity, oil and gas, hospitality, construction, banking, shareholders disputes, advertisement, international sale of goods and media and entertainment. Dr. Selim provides Expert opinions on Egyptian and Libyan Laws in international proceedings.
Dr Selim has published several articles in learned Egyptian and International journals and was a speaker in several national and international conferences, especially in the field of arbitration and investment. Dr. Selim has been recognized as a leading individual in legal 500 (2016). Dr. Selim is a certified mediator at London School of Mediation. Dr Selim speaks Arabic, French, and English fluently as well as basic Chinese.”
Dr Selim received his LL.B. from Cairo University in 1997, he also obtained an LL.M in International Business Law from the Institut du Droit des Affaires Internationales (I.D.A.I) in 1999. He then moved to France and earned his Master’s degree in Public Administration (MPA) from the National School of Administration (E.N.A), in 2001. He also earned a Certificate in International Commercial Arbitration from the School of International Arbitration, Queen Mary University of London in 2005.
In 2009, Dr. Selim earned his PhD with highest honours (mention “Très Honorable avec les Félicitations du Jury à l’Unanimité.”) from Burgundy University (Dijon – France). The title of the Thesis is “L’ordre public international in favorem arbitrandum” Etude de droit Comparé. The Thesis was published by Edition Universitaire Européenne.

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