Lillian KHOURY
Lillian Khoury represents private and State entities in investor-State and international commercial arbitrations before the major arbitral forums (including the AAA, ICC, ICDR, ICSID, JAMS, and Swiss Chamber of Commerce) as well as in ad hoc arbitrations conducted under the UNCITRAL and PCA Rules. She has served as counsel in investment disputes arising under bilateral investment treaties as well as multilateral treaties, including as the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) and the NAFTA. Lillian's practice covers a range of industries, including mining, oil and gas, construction, pharmaceuticals, retail, and telecommunications.
Lillian also acts on behalf of clients in U.S. courts proceedings in aid of arbitration, including discovery requests under U.S. Code Section 1782, as well as actions for the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments and arbitral awards under the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA), the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (FSIA), and the New York Convention.
Lillian has extensive experience in commercial and investment disputes involving the Middle East and Africa. She is trilingual in English, Arabic, and French and regularly participates in proceedings in all three languages.
Lillian maintains an active pro bono practice in refugee and asylum law, and in advising non-profit organizations and corporations on compliance with international business and human rights obligations. Recently, she served as a Program Committee Member and Special Aide of the 111th Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law.

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