Loretta Malintoppi is an independent arbitrator with 39 Essex Chambers, based in Singapore.
Loretta is dually qualified (Paris and Rome Bars) and specializes in international commercial arbitration, investment arbitration and public international law. She sits as arbitrator in proceedings under a variety of arbitration rules, including ICSID, ICC, UNCITRAL, SCC, SIAC, LCIA and DIAC.
Loretta also appears as counsel and advocate in State-to-State disputes before the International Court of Justice and in ad hoc arbitrations. She is a past member and Vice-President of the ICC International Court of Arbitration. She currently sits on the Governing Board of ICCA and is a vice-President of ICCA until April 2024. Loretta was appointed to the ICSID Panel of Arbitrators by the Chairman of the World Bank. She is also a member of the Council of the ICC Institute of World Business Law, of the Council of the Milan Chamber of Arbitration (“CAM”), of the Arbitration Committee of the British Virgin Islands International Arbitration Center (“BVI IAC”) and the International Arbitration Committee of the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board (“KCAB International”).
Loretta is one of the co-authors of the second edition of The ICSID Convention – A Commentary published by Cambridge University Press in 2009 and one of the editors/authors of the 3d edition published in 2022. She is also a member of the Editorial Board of The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals, editor of the International Litigation in Practice Series, and a member of the editorial advisory board of the Singapore Arbitration Journal.
Apart from her native Italian, Loretta is fluent in English, French and Spanish.

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