Luis practises in public international law and international dispute resolution at Matrix Chambers. He has acted as counsel and arbitrator in more than 40 public international law disputes. Luis is regarded as an expert in the specialised field of investment treaty arbitration. Luis has been designated by Mexico to the ICSID panel of arbitrators, and by the EU to the list of chairpersons for arbitrations and trade and sustainable development panel proceedings. He was described in Who’s Who Future Leaders for Arbitration as “absolutely stellar for investment treaty disputes”.
In addition to acting in international arbitrations, Luis routinely advises governments on public international law matters, and aspects of international trade and treaty negotiations. He was a Strategic Advisor to the UK Department for Business and Trade where he advised on international trade, on cross-cutting issues in trade negotiations and treaty text drafting.
Luis was a consultant to UNCTAD on the negotiation and formulation of model BITs and dispute resolution mechanisms. He spent ten years in the Office of the General Counsel for International Trade Law of the Government of Mexico where he litigated several investor-State and WTO disputes, provided legal advice on the interpretation and application of international law on economic matters, and advised on negotiations of bilateral investment treaties and trade agreements. He also worked at the International Trade Law Branch of the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs in Vienna.

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