Malik Laazouzi is a full professor of law. He was elected in 2018 at the University of Paris-Panthéon-Assas. There, he founded and runs the LLM Assas World Arbitration and Dispute Settlement (LL.M. AWArDS). He specializes in international arbitration, investment arbitration and private international law, in particular international commercial litigation. He teaches international arbitration law in a number of foreign systems (U.A.E./DIFC, etc.).
Malik Laazouzi regularly advises clients, in French and English, before French and foreign courts and arbitral tribunals, on private law matters (arbitration law, private international law, contract law, FRAND licenses, etc.), public law matters (administrative contract law, arbitration and foreign public entities, etc.) and international investment law.
Since 2009, Malik Laazouzi regularly acts as legal expert, co-counsel or arbitrator in French and English. He frequently sits on domestic and international arbitral tribunals, including as sole arbitrator or chairman of the arbitral tribunal.
His research and publications focus mainly on international arbitration and investment arbitration law, for which he is in charge of the annual column for the Revue de l'arbitrage, and on international business law, both contractual and extra-contractual. He is co-author of a book on international contract law (Sirey/Dalloz, 2020, 813 p.), and editor of a book on international choice of court agreements (éd. Panthéon-Assas, 2021). His doctoral thesis, supervised by Professor Pierre Mayer, dealt with international administrative contracts (Economica, 2008). His work on State issues in international contracts led to his appointment as a member of the UNIDROIT/ICC-IWBL Working Group on International Investment Contracts.

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