Matthieu REEB
Matthieu Reeb is an attorney at law from Neuchâtel/Switzerland. He joined the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in September 1995 where he exercised the function of Counsel to CAS. He was appointed as CAS Secretary General in 2000 and his title became CAS Director General in 2020. In this position, he is responsible for the management of the Court (currently 53 employees, 460 arbitrators, 60 mediators), the public relations, the monitoring of the arbitration and mediation procedures (average of 900 cases per year) and for the organization of the CAS ad hoc Divisions (established during the Olympic Games and other major sports events).
In 1998, Matthieu Reeb edited the first "Digest of CAS Awards" (Staempfli Editions), which in 1999 won the René Cassin Prize, awarded by the Académie française des Sciences Morales et Politiques. He edited additional CAS Digests in 2001 and in 2004 (Kluwer Law Editions) and in 2015 the Commentary of the Code of the Court of Arbitration for Sport, with Despina Mavromati (Wolters Kluwer Editions). He is also the author of several articles related to the CAS and its case law.
Until 1995, Matthieu Reeb practiced athletics and rugby at national level.

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