Penelope NEVILL


Penelope Nevill is a barrister at Twenty Essex specialising in public international law. Her practice covers the full range of public international law, including international dispute resolution; immunities; investor-State dispute resolution and related proceedings under the Arbitration Act 1996; law of the sea; climate change; environmental and wildlife law; territorial and maritime boundary disputes; human rights; use of force; law of armed conflict; sanctions; and trade.

She regularly advises States and companies on complex matters involving international law and has appeared before the International Court of Justice, the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights, as well as all levels of the English courts including the Supreme Court.

Penelope is a Visiting Fellow and Lecturer at King’s College, London. In the past she was a Fellow of the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law at the University of Cambridge; Fellow of Downing College, Cambridge; lecturer on the Nippon-ITLOS Fellowship Programme; a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Auckland; and solicitor at Chapman Tripp, New Zealand. She currently convenes and lectures two LLM courses at King’s on Oceans Governance and Cyberspace Law and has previously taught courses on international dispute settlement, EU law, the United Nations and the law of armed conflict.

Penelope NEVILL

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