Richard INDGE
Richard Indge is a Senior Managing Director in Ankura’s London office specializing in expert accounting and valuation testimony on accounting issues and the measurement of damages for litigation, international arbitration, and investment treaty disputes. He also acts as Expert for the purposes of determining M&A related disputes arisng from completion account and earn-out mechanisms. With over 25 years’ experience working within the disputes arena, Richard has earned recognition by Who’s Who Legal as one of the leading testifying experts in the UK in the fields of forensic accounting, financial advisory and valuation relating to quantum of damages, and investigations. The claims in which he is involved typically arise from commercial contractual disputes, investor- state disputes, and disputes arising out of accounting and financial irregularities, particularly in the energy, mining, construction, transportation, and financial services sectors.
Richard has given oral evidence on numerous occasions in the English High Court and International Arbitration Tribunal hearings. He has acted as expert in UNCITRAL, ICSID, ICC, LCIA, HKIAC, SCC, LMAA and ad hoc proceedings, preparing expert reports and giving oral evidence at Arbitral Hearings in London, Washington, Paris, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Oman, and Helsinki.
Who’s Who Legal describes Richard as being “very impressive”, demonstrating “notable expertise in the subject matter of the dispute at hand” and earning “the respect of peers with his outstanding work as a forensic accountant in disputes briefs”.
Prior to joining Ankura Richard was a partner in a Big-4 global accountancy firm and led their Global Claims & Disputes services practice.

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