Responsable du Master's in International and Security Politics

Sara Dezalay is an HDR researcher and lecturer at ESPOL, recognized for her expertise at the intersection of law, global history, and political sociology. Before joining ESPOL, she served as Reader at the Cardiff School of Law and Politics, University of Cardiff. As Strategic Director of the AAPDI, she plays a key role in developing influential strategies to promote better international governance in Africa. Sara is also an associate researcher at the Institute of African Worlds (IMAF), a member of the editorial board of Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales, an associate editor of Law & Social Inquiry, and a member of the International Affairs Committee of the Law and Society Association. In parallel, she served as an assessor judge at the National Asylum Court (CNDA) from 2020 to 2022, nominated by the UNHCR, putting into practice her commitment to refugee rights and international justice.


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