Smarika SINGH

Partner, Dispute Resolution

Smarika Singh is a Partner in the Firm’s Dispute Resolution team. She works very closely on matters pertaining to litigation and commercial arbitration.

Smarika has been part of domestic & international commercial arbitrations and related litigation. She also regularly advises clients on contentious issues arising under the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act and the Food Safety and Standards Act. She represents clients in litigations before the Supreme Court of India as well in the Delhi High Court and in specialised Tribunals such as the Telecom Dispute Settlement & Appellate Tribunal, National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission and National Company Law Tribunal.

Smarika has also contributed to various publications, with articles such as “Online Dispute Resolution: Lets Resolve It” published in Asian Dispute Review, January 2007; “Minerva Mills: Embargo On Basic Structure” published in All India Reporter, March 2005 Edition; “Need For A Trade Secrets Legislation: Delay Is Detrimental” published in Indian Economic Panorama, April 2006; “Want To Play On The Stock Exchange? Get Finger Printed!” published in Lawyers Collective Magazine, April 2006; The CAS (Conditional Access System) Case: Beneficial Yet Controversial” published in Indian Economic Panorama, January 2007.

Smarika represented the Firm in the annual Lex Mundi Cross Border Dispute Resolution Program in Monterey, USA, 2015. Straight out of law school, she joined the erstwhile Amarchand Mangaldas & Suresh A. Shroff & Co. and was with the Firm until its dissolution in 2015. That year, she was inducted in Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co.

Smarika graduated from National Law Institute University, Bhopal in 2008. She was awarded the Pt. Ramlalji Sharma Memorial Silver Medal by the National Law Institute university, Bhopal (her alma mater) for standing first in the order of merit in the Third and Fourth years.

Smarika SINGH

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