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Access to Arbitral Justice: the Impact of Sanctions
A panel discussion with arbitrators, arbitral institutions, and funders as to the impact of sanctions on access to arbitral justice.
-Jean-Yves Garaud, Partner, Cleary Gottlieb
-Laurie Achtouk-Spivak, Partner, Cleary Gottlieb
-Christopher Campbell, Senior Counsel, Litigation, Baker Hughes
-Juan Pablo Argentato, Managing Counsel, ICC International Court of Arbitration
-Cameron Murphy, Director, Profile Investment
-Carmen Núñez-Lagos, International Arbitrator, Núñez-Lagos Arbitration
-Professor Régis Bismuth, Professor of Public Law, Sciences Po Law School
8:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
Please join us for a welcome breakfast.
12, rue de Tilsitt
75008 Paris
How to attend
Registration for this event is closed.
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