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Affaires d’États Vol. 3: Amplifying the Voices of Developing States in ISDS Reform
As the criticisms of investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS) intensify, and reform initiatives proliferate in both bilateral and multilateral fora like UNCITRAL Working Group III and the OECD, this webinar will focus on the importance of amplifying the voices of developing states in ISDS reform. Who wields the most influence in ISDS reform? Are the structures of multilateral diplomacy tilted in favor of developed States, or can developing States play a meaningful role? Is consensus achievable on meaningful reform at the multilateral level? How have diplomatic imbalances impacted concrete reform efforts thus far? This webinar will offer unique insights on these key questions from government officials engaged in ISDS reform, practitioners, and policy experts.
Following the panel discussion, the audience will have an opportunity to meet the speakers virtually and continue the conversation in an open Zoom room.
Guest Speakers
Online session
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