Registration opens on the at 14:00. Save this event in your favorites and visit this page again later to register.

Wednesday 29 March 2023
11:30 to 14:00
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Wednesday 29 March 2023
11:30 to 14:00
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IN PERSON BY REQUEST IN PERSON BY REQUEST #Transportation #Africa #Americas #Asia #CEE/CIS/Russia #Europe #Oceania #Space #World


The Hague Court of Arbitration for Aviation and Center for Mediation was launched in mid-2022 to address the root causes of this US$3.5 trillion industry’s (4.1% of the world’s GDP) lagging reliance on alternative dispute resolution.

This event will bring together aviation and arbitration professionals to mix and discuss the evolving future of aviation dispute resolution. We encourage all participants to attend our event on Thursday March 30th that will provide a comprehensive overview of the Court, together with its rules and procedures.

Welcoming remarks will be provided by Hague CAA Chairperson Paul Jebely, Advisory Board Chair / Arbitrator / Mediator Gary Birnberg, and Arbitrator / JonesDay Partner Johannes Willheim.

We thank our gracious host JonesDay for making this event possible.

Host Speakers

Chair, Advisory Board and Rules Standing Committee
The Hague Court of Arbitration for Aviation
Founder and present Chairperson of The Hague Court of Arbitration for Aviation
The Hague Court of Arbitration for Aviation

Guest Speakers

Johannes P. WILLHEIM
Jones Day


11:30 - 14:00


2, rue Saint- Florentin
75001 Paris
Information :
JonesDay Historic Offices adjacent to Place de la Concorde

Registration opens on the . Save this event in your favorites and visit this page again later to register.