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Arbitration quo vadis: informal cocktail discussion with Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Wahab
Join Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer for an informal cocktail with Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Wahab to look into the past, discuss where we are today and what the future of international arbitration should look like focusing on select topics such as procedural efficiency, substantive rigor and diversity.
Professor of International Arbitration, Private International Law and English Contract Law at Cairo University, founding Partner at Zulficar & Partners Law Firm (Egypt) Prof. Dr. Abdel Wahab is recognized as a world-leading arbitrator practitioner and one of the global thought leaders in international investment and commercial arbitration. He has been nominated several times for the Global Arbitration Review Award for the Best Arbitration Lecture/Speech, and for the GAR COVID-19 Pandemic Response Award, and was shortlisted among the top five arbitrators for the GAR award for the best prepared and responsive arbitrator in 2021. Don’t miss out on an exclusive opportunity to join the discussion and ask your questions.
Places are strictly limited.
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Guest Speakers
9 Avenue de Messine
75008 Paris
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