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Cross-Examine Your Damages Expert
In this interactive session, the panelists will share their insights on how to maximize the impact of the experts’ role in international arbitration through a cross examination exercise.
Since 1961, NERA has provided unparalleled guidance on the most important market, legal, and regulatory questions of the day. Our work has shaped industries and policy around the world. Our field-leading experts and deep experience allows us to provide rigorous analysis, reliable expert testimony, and data-powered policy recommendations for the world’s leading law firms and corporations as well as regulators and governments. Our experience, integrity, and economic ingenuity mean you can depend on us in the face of your biggest economic and financial challenges.
The NERA difference is that our experts bring a strong applied industry expertise and provide clients with a uniquely rigorous analytical approach and an unwavering commitment to independent and unbiased expert opinions. Our experts provide authoritative, independent economic analysis, valuation opinions, causation determinations, damages assessments, regulatory opinions, expert reports, and testimony. They draw on decades of experience, combined with specialized knowledge and deep expertise in regulated industries and competitive markets. NERA economists have provided these services in major arbitration venues around the world, including the US, Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America.
Host Speakers
Guest Speakers
8 Av. Dutuit
75008 Paris
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