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Thursday 21 March 2024
08:30 to 10:30
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Thursday 21 March 2024
08:30 to 10:30
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Ten years ago Delos was launched as an arbitration institution for small and medium-sized businesses and large ongoing projects.

Its award-winning rules ( were designed around a simple premise – that small and medium-sized businesses (the backbone of our economies) need a dispute resolution mechanism that is proportionate to their time and cost needs without compromising on the quality of service. The rules were the brainchild of 7 founding members from prominent IA practices, impelled by their clients, who shared a belief that proportionality was the key to addressing the needs of users across an ocean of disputes for ongoing projects and small and medium-sized cross-border trade.

From this primordial spark, a wondrous ecosystem has flourished and become fertile ground for a new generation of arbitrators.


Paris Arbitration Centre, by Delos
92 Rue Réaumur
75002 Paris

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