Registration opens on the 2025-01-07. Save this event in your favorites and visit this page again later to register.
Dialogue between judges : the role of the judge in charge of reviewing the award
La cour d'appel de Paris vous convie à assister à un dialogue entre juges autour de "l'office du juge" chargé du contrôle des sentences arbitrales.
Réunissant des praticiens siégeant au sein de différentes juridictions, représentatives de traditions juridiques et d'horizons divers, cette rencontre permettra de confronter leurs conceptions du contrôle des sentences arbitrales internationales et les différentes approches retenues en la matière.
The Paris Court of Appeal invites you to a dialogue between judges on the role of the judge responsible for reviewing arbitral awards.
Bringing together practitioners from different jurisdictions, representing a variety of legal traditions and backgrounds, this conference will provide an opportunity to compare their views on the review of international arbitral awards and the different approaches adopted in this field
Paris Court of Appeal, 8 Bd du Palais
75001 PARIS
Registration opens on the 2025-01-07. Save this event in your favorites and visit this page again later to register.