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Do Anti-Suit Injunctions Live Up to the Hype? – A Look from The United Kingdom, Germany, Hong Kong and France
Do Anti-Suit Injunctions Live Up to the Hype? – A Look from The United Kingdom, Germany, Hong Kong and France
Tuesday, March 19th, 2024 at 9:00 am
In-person: 7 rue de Téhéran 75008 Paris
Online webinar: Link provided upon registration
Registration: Free but mandatory (please register by March 18th via the PAW website)
Anti-suit injunctions are orders issued to prevent a party from initiating or continuing proceedings in another jurisdiction or forum. They are often used as a tool to protect the parties' contractual rights, such as the arbitration agreement. However, anti-suit injunctions also raise complex legal and practical issues.
In this event, arbitration practitioners who have recently been involved with anti-suit injunctions in arbitration cases (including in the Courts of their home jurisdiction) will explore the topic in light of the recent case law and the perspectives of other practitioners on this topic. We will also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of anti-suit injunctions, and whether they live up to the hype or not in international arbitration.
Panel 1: An introduction to anti-suit injunctions and the English legal system’s approach to anti-suit injunctions
- Speaker: Paul Key KC (Essex Court Chambers, London)
Introduced and moderated by Marie Danis and Valéry Denoix de Saint Marc (August Debouzy, Paris).
Paul will introduce the topic of anti-suit injunctions and describe the English approach to granting/dismissing requests for ASIs in the context of international arbitration and cross-border disputes.
Q&A session
Panel 2: A comparative law discussion on anti-suit injunctions in the context of international arbitration
- Dr. Barbara M. Maucher (Noerr, Frankfurt)
- Joseph Chung (Deacons, Hong Kong)
- Marie Danis (August Debouzy, Paris)
Moderated by Valéry Denoix de Saint Marc (August Debouzy, Paris)
The speakers will discuss and compare their respective jurisdiction’s handling of anti-suit injunctions in the context of international arbitration.
Q&A session
Guest Speakers
How to attend
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7 rue de Téhéran
75008 Paris
Online session
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