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Infrastructure and Energy projects in Africa
The program of our event will be as follows:
Part I: Risks and Mitigation Strategies for Infrastructure Projects in Africa
Based on their experience from recent African projects, our Energy experts will illustrate and detail three material risks in African energy projects which suggest specific risk mitigation actions:
• Unbearable risk transferred to public sector buyer, leading to collapse of deal
• Misalignment between public policy objectives and timelines with the company operating model, leading to conflict between electricity buyer and seller
• Afterthoughts on the competitiveness / doubts on the bargain struck leading to conflict between buyer and seller
Part II: Challenges in Construction of Energy and Infrastructure Projects in Africa
The main Economical, planification and execution challenges will be discussed and illustrated based on FTI Consulting Construction Project and Assets’ team experience.
Host Speakers
Guest Speakers
10 rue de Bassano
75116 Paris
How to attend
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