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Tuesday 19 March 2024
17:00 to 20:00
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Tuesday 19 March 2024
17:00 to 20:00
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IN PERSON BY REQUEST IN PERSON BY REQUEST #Commercial arbitration #Asia #Europe #World


The trend of regionalization of arbitration is accelerating and the Arab world is no exception. While Arab jurisdictions have solid seats, notably in North Africa and the Gulf, statistics show that Arab users continue to frequently stipulate their arbitration clauses with a seat outside the region and Paris seems to be a preferred venue. Is there a real competition with the other rising venues, such as Cairo, Dubai, Riyadh ? Is London an alternative choice ? How is a “neutral” venue chosen by Arab parties ? What is the role of the seat in the region? What about the language: is Arabic a standard choice in intra-Arab disputes? Is there a neutral choice with respect to the applicable Arab law? Is the nationality of an Arab arbitrator also key? How do users and from where do they chose their counsel? How do conflicts, wars and geopolitics affect these choices?

With renowned experts, private practitioners or representatives of major arbitration institutions, coming from various Arab jurisdictions and with a solid experience in the MENA world as well as in international seats, including Paris, we will explore the dynamics in the parties’ choices when dealing with Arab Arbitrations. Our panelists will include : Ms. Joza Al Rasheed (Riyadh), Ms. Antonia Birt (Dubai), Dr. Jalal El Ahdab (Paris), Prof. Nagib Hage Chahine (Lebanon), Dr. Mahmood Hussain (Dubai), Ms. Stella Leptourgou (Paris).

The event is co-organized by Hage-Chahine Law Firm, M&Co Legal and LexisNexis.

Host Speakers

Managing Partner
Hage-Chahine Law Firm
Founding Partner
M&Co Legal

Guest Speakers

Jalal (Jil) EL AHDAB
Bird & Bird AARPI
Founding Partner
M&Co Legal
Managing Partner
Hage-Chahine Law Firm
Antonia BIRT
Reed Smith


19:00 - 20:00


InterContinental Paris - Le Grand
2 Rue Scribe, 75009 Paris, France
75009 Paris

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