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SCL France & African Construction Law Joint Event (Roundtable & Cocktail)
Interactive discussions which will offer insights into the evolution – past, present and prospective – of construction disputes in Africa, based on a “macro-vision” of geopolitical shifts, and one that will push us all collectively to think “outside the box”. The questions put to the panel will include:
What are the geopolitical changes affecting the continent?
What trends are expected in the future?
How are different parts of the continent affected by these changes?
What can be expected in the future in that regard?
The increase of intra-African business and how it flows from / relates to / results in geopolitical changes
Evolution of the business climate generally
How is dispute resolution (domestic / intra-African / international (i.e., ex-Africa)) generally affected by the above?
How is the construction industry affected? (Type of projects, Size of projects, Effect on construction industry players (public authorities / private employers (international / local) / contractors (international / local) / financiers / engineers / lawyers) and Dispute resolution)
Looking to the future: the place of the continent in future evolutions of dispute resolution
Host Speakers
Guest Speakers
19 Pl. Vendôme
75001 Paris
How to attend
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