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The Future of Investment Arbitration: A Conversation with Meg Kinnear, Toby Landau KC and Professor Alain Pellet
Dire predictions of demise notwithstanding, investment arbitration does indeed have a future. That future, however, will almost certainly diverge from the present in a number of respects. This panel brings together three of the leading lights in the field, from very different backgrounds, for a wide-ranging conversation on what the future of investment arbitration will likely resemble.
The panel will address questions including: Is evolution or revolution the way forward? Investment arbitral tribunals or investment courts? What role for the EU going forward?
Ms. Meg Kinnear is the Secretary-General of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), the world’s principal institution devoted to investment arbitration.
Toby Landau KC is a barrister, advocate and arbitrator, and a member of the Bars of England & Wales, Singapore, New York, the BVI and Northern Ireland, and is registered in the DIFC.
Professor Alain Pellet is a leading academic and practitioner in public international law in general and on investment treaties in particular, who presently serves as President of the Institute of International Law.
Jean-Christophe Honlet, Gustavo Laborde and Bart Legum will serve as moderators in this event co-hosted by Honlet Legum Arbitration and Laborde Law. The hybrid event will be held in the Salons de l’Hôtel des Arts et Métiers, conveniently situated near the location of the Opening Reception of Paris Arbitration Week.
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9bis Avenue d’Iéna
75016 Paris
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