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The new face of Latin American disputes through the ESG lens
The event will provide an overview on emerging regional trends in Latin American disputes through the lens of ESG considerations. Recent times have seen an increased focus on drivers of change relating to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations. This confluence of factors is reshaping the nature of international disputes and Latin America is no exception: there is an increase in disputes in Latin America involving state-action to protect the environment, protection of local/indigenous communities rights and the intensified scrutiny of corporate conduct and investment behaviors, including allegations of corruption.
- Marièle Coulet-Diaz
- Lucas De Ferrari
- Katherine González Arrocha, independent arbitrator
- Laura Cózar, Accuracy
- Amanda Jiménez Pintón, ICC
- Julio César Rivera (h), Marval O’Farrel Mairal
Host Speakers
19 Pl. Vendôme
75001 Paris
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