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The Rise of Arbitration in Asia
Arbitral hubs and institutions in Asia continue to reach new heights in their growth and popularity, achieving top global rankings and an ever-growing number of cases. The 2021 Queen Mary University of London and White & Case Survey ranked Singapore first alongside London, and Hong Kong third as the most preferred seats for international arbitration, and SIAC second, HKIAC third, and CIETAC fifth as most popular institutions. The eastward shift is being witnessed not only in commercial arbitration, but also in investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS), with the focal point of many ISDS proceedings increasingly in Asia. Join a panel of practitioners and arbitrators with extensive experience in the region in a dynamic and in-depth discussion on the factors behind the “Rise of Arbitration in Asia” phenomenon, the challenges raised by a cross-cultural context, and what the future might hold for international arbitration in Asia.
Host Speakers
Guest Speakers
24 boulevard Malesherbes
75008 Paris
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