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Wednesday 29 March 2023
11:00 to 13:00
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Wednesday 29 March 2023
11:00 to 13:00
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HYBRID BY REQUEST HYBRID BY REQUEST #Arbitration related domestic litigation #Commercial arbitration #Europe


An interactive roundtable on comparative developments regarding emergency arbitration and provisional relief. Experts from various jurisdictions will in particular discuss:

-Concurrent jurisdiction between State courts, emergency arbitrator and/or tribunals in merits proceedings
-Differences in the standards for relief
-Differences in the conditions to obtain provisional relief (urgency, provisional nature, balance of prejudices, etc.)
-Enforceability of emergency arbitration awards
-Appointment of the emergency arbitrator and structuring of proceedings
-Costs of emergency arbitration
-Is an emergency arbitrator entitled to award penalties?

After the discussion, lunch and an apéritif will be served.


Lunch and an apéritif will be served.
12:00 - 13:00

How to attend

Please select the participation mode


1 Av. Franklin Delano Roosevelt
75008 Paris
Information :
Loyens & Loeff representative office in Paris