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00-074 Warsaw

The Arbitration Youth Forum is an initiative established in 2011 under the auspices of the Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Commerce. Its aim is to integrate the younger generation of the arbitration community, creating a platform to exchange experiences and obtain practical knowledge about arbitration. Since its inception, the Forum has organized a series of meetings with leading arbitration practitioners from abroad. Our guests have included Prof. Julian Lew, Prof. Christoph Schreuer and Prof. Bernard Hanotiau. We have organized interactive arbitration workshops for candidates interested in serving as secretaries of arbitral tribunals. The Forum was also responsible for publication of a special issue of the Arbitration Bulletin of the Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Commerce in 2015 entitled “Young Arbitration.”

The Forum is addressed to young professionals. Some in the legal community may take the view that youth ends at 45, but we set no age limit. We invite anyone who is young or young at heart in the world of arbitration to join this venture.

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