CEPANI40 is the under 40 group of the Belgian Center for Arbitration and Mediation (CEPANI).
It was founded in 2004, under the auspices of CEPANI. The organisation is specifically aimed at young professionals with an interest in arbitration.
With CEPANI40, we wish to offer a forum for young persons interested in arbitration, where they can exchange views, ideas and experiences about arbitration in a friendly and informal manner.
To this end, CEPANI40 organises regular meetings, conference and networking events where practice-oriented issues are addressed by arbitration experts. This way, we work to create opportunities for young professionals to debate all aspects of the practice of arbitration and to enable them to further engage in their area of interest.
CEPANI40 is currently co-chaired by:
Guillaume Croisant, Linklaters,
Katherine Jonckheere, Lalive