Grant Thornton

With more than 1500 Forensic, Digital Forensic and Enforcement professionals located across more than 140 markets globally, Grant Thornton’s International Arbitration practice combines multi-sector specialist forensic accountants, contentious valuations experts, asset recovery and enforcement specialists who lead on large and complex international arbitration assignments on behalf of financial institutions, corporates, states and SOEs in matters held under major institutional rules, including ICC, ICSID, LCIA, SCC, SIAC and DIAC, as well as in ad hoc proceedings.
We have particular strength in state-related matters, having assisted states in defending multi-billion-dollar claims across various sectors, as well as acting clamant-side on matters involving energy, mining, renewables, oil and gas, financial services, construction, shipping and telecommunications disputes.
Through Asset Recovery Fund LP, we can provide innovative funding solutions on enforcement proceedings, including the purchase of award and judgment debts, while we can draw across our vast network of professionals to bring in additional in-house expertise, such as corporate intelligence professionals, tax specialists and digital/cryptoasset specialists, to assist as matters progress.
Our worldwide network enables us to create bespoke teams which match our client's technical requirements including financial accounting, sector knowledge and native language speakers, as well as understanding key business, political and cultural issues.
In France, Forensic Services are headed by Nicolas Guillaume, Partner responsible for Business Risk Services and Forensic.
Céline Fortoul leads the Forensic Litigation practice. She has 23 years of experience, including 16 years in Forensic Services and International Arbitration.
Our UK Head of Arbitration is Director Chris Tune, a forensic accountant with more than 20 years of experience across multiple sectors and jurisdictions.