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1 rue Mahmoud El Matri
1002 Tunis

Ifriqya Arbitration Forum is a promising project gathering North African Arbitration practitioners, benefiting from each otherʼs experiences and promoting the next generation of North African arbitration experts.

Our mission:
- Promote arbitration & ADR in North Africa as one of the most efficient dispute settlement mechanisms,
- Bridge the communication gap between arbitration & ADR stakeholders such as the private and public sectors,
governmental and judicial bodies, arbitration institutions, lawyers, in-house counsel, academicians, arbitrators, mediators, students,
- Give exposure to North African arbitration practitioners both regionally and internationally,
- Promote diversity, equity, and inclusion among North African practitioners,
- Empower women practitioners to achieve fair representation in the arbitration scene and aim for full parity,
- Involve youth in a large span of arbitration activities to shape the next generation of North African arbitration practitioners

The mecca of arbitration
Sami Houerbi

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