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SOAS, University of London Thornhaugh Street Russell Square London
WC1H 0XG London
United Kingdom

The SOAS Arbitration and Dispute Resolution Centre (SADRC) is a research and knowledge exchange centre within the School of Law at SOAS University of London.

Its main objectives include promoting research, teaching, and knowledge sharing in arbitration, litigation, mediation, and other dispute resolution methods, with a particular emphasis on the SOAS regions of Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.

The Centre acts as a platform for engagement among SOAS staff, students, and the public with an interest in dispute resolution to foster connections between practitioners, consumers of dispute resolution mechanisms, the judiciary, the legal profession, civil society, the business community, and governmental and intergovernmental experts.

Host Speakers

Independent Counsel, Arbitrator & Mediator (Paris / London) | MCIArb | Member of the Management Committee of the SOAS Arbitration & Dispute Resolution Center (SADRC)
SOAS, University of London
Professor of International Commercial Law at SOAS University of London
SOAS, University of London

Guest Speakers

Professor of International Commercial Law at SOAS University of London
SOAS, University of London
Independent Counsel, Arbitrator & Mediator (Paris / London) | MCIArb | Member of the Management Committee of the SOAS Arbitration & Dispute Resolution Center (SADRC)
SOAS, University of London
Mahmoud Hussein Ali AHMAD
Founding Partner
M&Co Legal

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