Three Crowns LLP
104 avenue des Champs-Elysées
75008 Paris
Three Crowns is a law firm dedicated to providing excellence in international arbitration and international law. With a team of over 70 lawyers in London, Paris, Singapore, and Washington, DC, the firm’s lawyers have been at the forefront of many of the most significant commercial, investment, and inter-State arbitral cases of the past decades. Three Crowns’ “one firm, one team” approach ensures that clients receive a seamless service and dedicated lawyers on every mandate. Visit
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Current edition
Wed. 09 April
Wednesday 09 April 2025
17:30 - 19:00
Développer sa carrière en arbitrage international : modes d’emploi
Three Crowns LLP
Previous editions
Thu. 30 March
Belokon, Sorelec and co – What to do now? The new French approach to international public policy violations from the perspectives of arbitrators, counsel and institutions / Belokon, Sorelec et cie...
#Arbitration related domestic litigation
Thursday 30 March 2023
16:00 - 18:30
Belokon, Sorelec and co – What to do now? The new French approach to international public policy violations from the perspectives of arbitrators, counsel and institutions / Belokon, Sorelec et cie – Et maintenant? Le point de vue des arbitres, des conseils et des institutions sur la nouvelle approche française en matière de violation de l’ordre public international
Three Crowns LLP
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