
Gabriele Ruscalla is a member of the International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution Practice. Through various positions as lawyer, researcher, and lecturer, Gabriele has developed a specific expertise in international arbitration and international law. He has assisted on matters involving corporate clients, States and State-owned entities in both international commercial and investment arbitrations, conducted under the ICC, SIAC, UNCITRAL, ICSID, and LCIA Rules, with particular focus on construction, energy, oil & gas, distribution and investment protection. Gabriele also acts as counsel in litigation proceedings before French courts in matters dealing with the setting aside or recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards, and acts as arbitrator in international commercial disputes.

Before joining Liedekerke, Gabriele was Counsel at the Secretariat of the ICC International Court of Arbitration. Part of his responsibilities involved managing a team handling over 350 international arbitrations, scrutinising partial and final awards as well as providing neutral advice to arbitrators and parties on several procedural issues (including the constitution of the arbitral tribunals, the emergency arbitration proceedings, and jurisdictional issues relating to multi-party / multi-contract arbitrations).

Gabriele previously held a position as Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Dispute Resolution and Public International Law of the Max Planck Institute for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law. He carried out research in international arbitration (investment and commercial) and dispute settlement mechanisms in other areas of international law. Earlier on in his career, he worked as an associate in the International Arbitration Group of a global law firm in Paris, for almost three years.

Gabriele is Adjunct Professor of Business and Human Rights at IE Law School (Madrid) and teaches International Commercial and Investment Arbitration as permament Lecturer at HEAD Law School (Paris) as well as at the Catholic University of Lille (Paris Campus). He frequently publishes articles and notes on, and regularly speaks at conferences and seminars about international arbitration-related subjects.

He is admitted to the Paris Bar (Avocat à la Cour) and registered as Foreign Lawyer to the Brussels Bar.


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