Registration opens on the 2025-01-07. Save this event in your favorites and visit this page again later to register.

Monday 7 April 2025
14:30 to 17:00
Please register before:
Friday 4 April
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Monday 7 April 2025
14:30 to 17:00
Please register before:
Friday 4 April
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IN PERSON BY REQUEST IN PERSON BY REQUEST #Commercial arbitration #Americas


Francarbi, avec le sponsorship de Wordstone Dispute Resolution, organise un colloque consacré aux influences du droit français de l’arbitrage sur les systèmes juridiques des pays d’Amérique latine. Un programme détaillé du colloque sera publié dans les semaines à venir.

Francarbi, with the sponsorship of Wordstone Dispute Resolution, is organising a conference on the influence of French arbitration law on the legal systems of Latin American countries. A detailed programme will be published in the coming weeks.


Maison de l’Amérique Latine
217 boulevard Saint-Germain
75007 Paris

Registration opens on the 2025-01-07. Save this event in your favorites and visit this page again later to register.

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