Director, Arbitration and ADR for Africa

Director, Arbitration and ADR for Africa at ICC International Court of Arbitration

Diamana is the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Director for Dispute Resolution Services in Africa. She took on this role in January 2021 after leading for 5 years, the case management team of the Secretariat of the ICC Court overseeing disputes involving parties from the Middle East, Africa and Francophone Europe. As Regional Director for Africa, Diamana focuses on strengthening the dispute resolution infrastructure on the African continent by offering capacity building opportunities to practitioners in her region and by leading initiatives aiming at increasing the participation of African practitioners in the international arbitration scene. She contributes to growing the ICC community on the African continent and bringing ICC's savoir-faire to African parties.

Prior to joining the ICC Court, Diamana has trained in the Arbitration Department of the Paris office of the Dentons. Diamana also acts as a Lecturer in the Diplome Universitaire in Domestic and International Arbitration of Montpellier University.
She is a member of several professional networks. In particular, she is the head of the ICC Young Arbitrators and ADR Forum (YAAF) Africa Chapter, a member the board of the Paris Arbitration Week (PAW), a member of the OHADA group of the Comité français de l’arbitrage, a former member of the IBA Arb40 Steering Committee and a founding member of AfricArb.
She holds master degrees in international business law from Paris 1 and Paris Nanterre Universities and is a graduate from the LLM Program of Golden Gate University San Francisco, California.


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Tue. 28 March 2023
Mon. 27 March 2023
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Wed. 29 March 2023
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