Société de Législation Comparée

28 rue saint-guillaume
75007 Paris
Founded in 1869, the Society of Comparative Legislation organizes international meetings in France and abroad on contemporary topics and publishes the “Revue Internationale de droit comparé” as well as monographies on comparative law.
Our PAW Events
Current edition
Wed. 09 April
Civil Law/Common Law in International Arbitration
#Commercial arbitration
#Investment arbitration
Previous editions
Thu. 21 March
The new configuration of the CCJA arbitration & Immunity from execution of legal entities under public law: from forceful to peaceful execution
#Commercial arbitration
#Investment arbitration
Thursday 21 March 2024
17:30 - 19:30
The new configuration of the CCJA arbitration & Immunity from execution of legal entities under public law: from forceful to peaceful execution
Société de Législation Comparée
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