Georges AFFAKI
Georges Affaki is a Chartered Arbitrator, a qualified Avocat before the Court of Appeal of Paris, and a Professor of Law at the University of Paris. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Center for Commercial Arbitration, and a member of the Panels of Arbitrators and of Conciliators of ICSID. He has served as a member of the ICC International Court of Arbitration for two terms.
His legal practice covers international dispute resolution and international finance, spanning 25 years of corporate and private practice both as avocat and as managing director heading the international legal department of a leading financial institution. He has a particular expertise in crisis management in global corporations, and the strategy-setting and coordination of cross-border litigation and internal investigations.
Professor Georges Affaki, C.Arb, has served as chairman, panel and sole arbitrator under the rules of the leading arbitral institutions in a broad variety of commercial and investment disputes. He has also appeared as counsel and expert witness in arbitral and court proceedings in relation to investment treaty claims, international banking, financial market regulation, trade finance and comparative Arab laws. He is ranked by Chambers amongst the Most in Demand Arbitrators and by Euromoney in the Guide to the World’s Leading Commercial Arbitration Lawyers Chosen by their Peers.

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